
Monday, August 17, 2009

Week 18 Menu (August 16-22) & Quick Fix Ideas

This really won't be much of a menu as I am being induced with #3 today. Sorry for any inconvenience. Well, I'm not really too terribly sorry;)

I have a few "quick fix" things at home for the hubby and then my church usually tries to have different families provide meals for the first week that you are home after having a baby. Here is a list of "quick fix" things that I have in the freezer:
  • Chicken Enchiladas (I made a double batch a couple of weeks ago and stuck one in the freezer)
  • Corn Dogs
  • Tyson's Skillet Creations "Tuscan Chicken" (I'm usually not a fan of frozen "dinner in a bag" kits, but got this for really cheap - sale+coupons)
  • Chicken Patties and Nuggets
  • I usually stock up on boneless, skinless chicken breast when it is on sale, so I have a good 5-6 pounds in the freezer. I also picked up some Lipton Pasta and Rice sides, which work well with the chicken breast.
  • The hubby is a big fan of Tuna Pasta Salad (yes, he knows how and enjoys to cook), so I picked up all the ingredients for this dish.
  • I also have a few balls of pizza dough in the freezer.
I think that is a pretty comprehensive list of things that I have on hand. I usually try to keep one or two "quick fixes" on hand so that we don't end up eating out if my schedule gets goofed up.

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