
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

31 Days of Praise: October 13

How time seems fly lately. We are almost into the middle of the month already.

October 13 - I am thankful for the power of prayer. James 5:16b, "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." Throughout my life there have been many times where I have witnessed the power of prayer. Here are just a few.

I had to have a couple of emergency surgeries and a week's stay in the hospital my sophomore year of college. As a poor college student, I didn't have the money to pay for it and our insurance only covered 75% of a over $40k medical bill. God heard my prayers and the hospital's charity agreed to cover all but $3,500 of the bill.

When our first child was born, he wouldn't stop bleeding after his circumcision and was rushed to a NICU almost an hour away from our house. My husband and I were terrified and I still get a little choked up thinking about it. Our family, friends, and church family began praying with us for his recovery. The doctors ran so many tests but couldn't figure out what the problem was. Miraculously his blood started clotting after only 2 platelet transfusions and he was able to come home at a week old. The doctors told us that there was no way he should have recovered as quickly as he did. We know that it was all God's doing.

Twenty-six months ago we decided to stop using credit to buy things and to start paying off debt with a vengeance. I was scared to do it as we'd just had our second child and with two in diapers it wasn't cheap. We want to be debt free by the time we enter full-time ministry and have been praying that the Lord would help us to accomplish this goal. We've gone from over $34k worth of debt (not including our mortgage) down to $16k in that time and have not used a credit card or taken out a loan since September 2008. God has supplied with pay raises, bonuses, etc. to help us get this far and to help us continue our endeavor to be debt free.

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