
Thursday, October 21, 2010

31 Days of Praise: October 21

I was reading in Psalm 49 today during my devotions and saw something that I have never noticed before. This particular Psalm speaks of the brevity of material gain and its worthlessness in eternity. In verses 6-7, we are told that our riches cannot redeem us. Then verses 9-20 remind us that earthly honor, social stature, and material wealth only last until we die. At death we can "carry nothing away" with us.

I've said all this as a background to what I am thankful for today. Psalm 49:15 says, "But God will redeem my soul from the power of the grave: for he shall receive me. Selah." It matters not what earthly gain or prestige I may amass on this earth as I cannot take it with me. The grave may take away these earthly riches but it has no eternal hold on me because of my salvation. One day I will be received of God to spend an eternity with Him in heaven, and for this I am thankful.

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