
Sunday, October 17, 2010

Menu: October 18-23

I'm starting the menu a little earlier than usual because I actually have a couple of ideas for this menu. I promise to finish it before next week.
  • Jambalaya - I substitute Smoked Turkey Sausage for regular Smoked Sausage to cut down on the fat content.
  • Stuffed Peppers (Piggly Wiggly has green peppers on sale this week for .99/lb and red peppers for $1.49/lb, which aren't the best prices but pretty good for this time of the year.)***
  • We may be eating dinner with my MIL and FIL on Wednesday like we usually do.
  • Crustless Spinach Quiche and roasted potatoes - I love doing "breakfast for dinner" and quiche is one of my favorite things to make for it. (Yes, I moved this here from last week's menu.)
  • Friday night I will be at a Ladies Retreat (YIPPEE) so the hubby will be making dinner for the kiddos and watching them from around Noon on Friday until Saturday afternoon. :o)
  • Saturday night we may be going to a missions dinner that some friends from the hubby's work invited us to.
  • California Medley Soup and dinner rolls - I love this recipe but haven't had a chance to make it since we started watching our calories. I am going to attempt to alter this recipe to make it lower in calorie than it currently is. All of the veggies needed for this recipe are on sale at Piggly Wiggly and Pick-n-Save this week. 
***Spur of the moment menu change. I decided to switch our the stuffed peppers for Curry Chicken Soup and Naan (I am going to attempt the kneading/rising stages in the bread machine to help save me some time).

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