
Monday, December 13, 2010

Menu: December 13-19

It's another frigid week here so lots more comfort foods on the menu. I will also be doing some baking (both to help warm the house and make for some comforting breakfasts).

  • Cream of Chicken & Rice Soup (I plan to work on this recipe a bit to make it lower in calorie/fat than as written) and dinner rolls
  • Biscuits & gravy (I will be using turkey sausage and skim milk to help cut down on fat) with cheesy scrambled eggs and a fresh fruit salad
  • Swedish Meatballs over No Yolks egg noodles and a side of mixed veggies - to cut down on the fat in the meatballs, I will use 85% lean ground beef, turkey sausage instead of the pork, and half and half instead of the heavy cream.
  • Baked chicken breast, mashed potatoes, veggies, and dinner rolls
  • We are hosting a mystery dinner for our College/Career's Christmas party. But maybe you could make some Calzones. Mmmm...

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