
Monday, January 10, 2011

Menu: January 10-16

I have been battling a head cold for almost a week now so I'm doing simple foods this week. We are also busy with church stuff this week.
  • Monday we have a calendar planning meeting for church and dinner will be provided so now cooking for me.
  • Tuesday I will be making a Tex-Mex Taco Casserole (black beans, Mexican rice, chopped tomatoes or salsa, black olives, ground turkey, cheese, onions, sour cream) from some of the leftover taco fixings. I will try to get a recipe posted before tomorrow but we shall see how the day goes.
  • Wednesday will most likely be spent at my MIL and FIL's house. I very much enjoy eating dinner there. :o)
  • Thursday we will be having pork loin (check out all the different options), mashed potatoes, and veggies. CHANGE: Mr. R has not been napping as well since turning the big "4" so he asked if he could "make" supper. He told me that he wanted to make Roast Beef, Carrots, and Potatoes along with some biscuit muffins. He helped me prep the ingredients for the roast and then I put everything in the crockpot. I have a package of steam-in-a-bag potatoes so he's going to make them up. Then we'll do up some carrots on the stove. 
  • Friday we have the annual Worker's Appreciation Banquet at church.
  • Saturday is the Packer vs. Falcons game so I'd like to make something a little more "game friendly". I may make up some venison brats, grilled potatoes, and grilled/sauted veggies (onions, peppers, zucchini, summer squash, and carrots in olive oil and garlic).
  • Sunday I have decided to go with some chili in the crockpot and homemade bread or rolls (may even make up a triple batch and freeze some for later). I will just have to save the turkey, sweet potatoes, corn and fresh bread for next week. 
Here is the Master List if you need a few other ideas for dinner this week.

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