
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Cold Melon Soup

While we were on our cruise back in February, I tried cold soup for the first time. I really enjoyed the different soups that we had, everything from pineapple raspberry to melon. With that said, Miss E. has been asking me every week or two if she can make some soup since we let Mr. R. make chili last month for the cook-off. One of the local grocery stores had a melon extravaganza this week and I decided to pick up several varieties. I figured that now was the time to experiment with cold soup being the temperatures have been in the high 90's. I will mention that the cold soups we had on the cruise were all fairly sweet and I wanted something with a little more subtle flavor.
  • 1 mango (be sure it is really ripe)
  • 1 small Galia melon (bigger than a softball but smaller than a football)*
  • 1 small Santa Claus melon (a little smaller than a football)*
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 1 cup fat free strawberry yogurt
  • juice and zest from 1 lime
  • 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • 1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 cup fresh blueberries - garnishment
  • 1 sleeve graham crackers, crumbled (not crushed as you do want some chunks) - garnishment
  1. Place the honey, yogurt, lime juice and zest, cayenne, salt, and cinnamon. Peel the mango, remove it from the pit, and add it to your blender. Puree until smooth.
  2. Cut the melons from the rind and into chunks; add to the blender. Puree until smooth. Pour into a large bowl and stir blueberries into pureed melon. Chill a few hours until quite cold. (Be sure to chill your serving bowls as well.)
  3. Once chilled, ladle soup into cold bowls and top with graham cracker crumbles. Enjoy, we sure did!
*You could also substitute a large honeydew melon for both.

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