
Monday, July 2, 2012

Menu: July 2-15

My littlest, Miss S, turns the big "1" today, but we aren't celebrating till Tuesday. It's also America's birthday so we will be celebrating 2 days in a row. :o) I've decided to do a 2-week menu as things are going to be a bit hectic with several fittings and 3 wedding pickups in these next 2 weeks.

Week 1 (July 2-8)
Week 1 (July 9-15) - only 4 meals thiweek as it's just me and the kids most of the week so we'll be doing leftovers more often.
won't be planning a menu next week as I will be taking a menu-planning vacation to spend some time with my family, which is much needed after the craziness of the last feweeks. For some ideas, you can always check out the master list

Your turn: What are some quick, simple summer recipes that your family enjoys during these hot summer days?

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