
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Temperance: Eating for Weight Control (Health Matters)

It has been many months since I posted any updates on our weight loss progress so I figured that I should share.
I had gotten down around 200-202 by mid-summer 2012 and was working really hard at it. Then by late July I just stopped losing even when I was monitoring my calories and getting in the needed exercise time. By the end of August, I started gaining again no matter what I did. There were many other issues that began to develop throughout the fall but I just chalked it up to being a WAHM of 4 kids and the additional stress of homeschooling. In early December, I went in for my annual physical and had to schedule my first cholesterol/thyroid labs for the end of the month since I'm closing in a 30. Less than a week after the labs were done, my doctor called me and informed me that I had developed postpartum hypothyroidism (meaning my thyroid had stopped producing the proper hormone levels due to pregnancy). Normal thyroid numbers range between .5 and 5, mine were over 40. Hypothyroidism explained all the issues I'd been having and I am starting to get better now that I'm on a thyroid hormone replacement. We're still working to get the right dosage and with moving/selling our current home I haven't really started losing but at least now I'm maintaining. Hoping to start focusing more on calorie intake and exercise once we get settled in the new house.
This is one of the reasons that I make the disclaimer to discuss weight issues with your doctor! Check out my original post on temperance here.

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