
Saturday, November 16, 2013

[A Month of Thanksgiving] Day 16

[Day 16]  Five years ago, Mr. R was a few months away from 2 and Miss E was 6 months old. We'd been on the path to financial freedom for two months and Jared was in his 2nd year of Bible Institute. I was struggling with balancing life and staying within our budget with two babies in diapers. We'd "planned" to wait a minimum of 2 years before even considering adding another kid to our family, little did I know that very soon I'd be expecting Miss A. When I finally broke down and took a pregnancy test the day after Christmas, I was seven weeks along and I was mad, mad that God would add another burden to my already heavy load.

Very soon after she arrived, I realized that God didn't add a burden but a blessing. I am so thankful for my quirky little Miss A. She is such a silly, sweet kid and I love having her in our family.

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