
Monday, November 25, 2013

[A Month of Thanksgiving] Day 22-25

[Day 22] Today I am thankful for moments of quiet in a busy world. We got to spend the evening (and tomorrow) at a hotel with an indoor water park. I so enjoyed having nowhere that I had to be and nothing that I had to do except enjoy the squeals of delight as my children enjoyed swimming and going down water slides.

[Day 23] Today I am thankful for God's provision. He has provided for our family in innumerable ways this year, but I am especially thankful that He provided the 2 deer that my hubby got today. It was the only day that Jared was going to be able to hunt and I had prayed that God would provide A deer. God blessed doubly and I am excited to have meat in the freezer!

[Day 24] On a day when all six us are feeling under the weather, I am thankful for Sunday afternoon naps and leftovers.

[Day 25] We are all still under the weather today, which makes me thankful that I have the option to be a stay-at-home-mom. It takes sacrifice (and some of my sanity) but it is worth it!

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