
Friday, August 29, 2014

Peanut Butter Cookie Dip

Apparently, the kids enjoyed it. :)
I love "dessert" type dips with my apple slices (or celery), but a lot of them are high in sugar and thus high in carbohydrates. A couple of months ago I attended a meeting with a dietitian and she suggested this as a good low carb substitute to caramel dip. This dip is low carb, gluten free, and can be made sugar free. Plus, it helps that it's delicious.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Kale Salad with Lime Dressing

This summer we are sharing a garden with our neighbors and decided to grow kale as both our families enjoy it. I like kale in soup, salad, smoothies, etc. and our kale has done fantastically well. With the kale doing so well and us trying to eat healthier, I decided to make a kale salad for our ladies mission society's annual picnic. The nice thing about a kale salad is the fact that it really doesn't wilt. You can make up most of this salad the day before and then just add the remaining ingredients a couple of hours before serving. It also pairs nicely with some grilled chicken if you decide to make it a "Salad as a main dish" sort of night.

Monday, August 11, 2014

His Grace and Presence

I am going to leave my usual topic of food to share something that really ministered to me on Sunday. There are times that I focus on the difficulties in my life and I let myself get discouraged. In that discouragement, I often question God's plan for our family. In my head I KNOW that God's grace is sufficient (2 Corinthians 12:9) but it's harder to apply that knowledge when my emotions get involved and they've been getting involved a lot lately.