
Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Roasted Quad Pepper Hot Sauce

A few of years ago I stumbled on a recipe for jalapeno hot sauce. My hubby LOVES him some hot sauce and uses it all the time so I decided to give it a try (here's my original version). I made my version a couple of times and we really enjoyed it. However, as time has passed, both of us have developed a taste for spicier foods. This year we planted a couple of new varieties of pepper so I decided to tweak my recipe and roast four different kinds of peppers. I also added some new spices that we discovered thanks to The Spice House. Unfortunately, our peppers this year were not as spicy as they usually are (I'm wondering if the cooler weather played a part in that) so the sauce still wasn't as hot as we would have liked. 

Monday, October 12, 2015

Menu 2015: October 12-November 8

Life just hasn't slowed down even a little bit since school started and I am dreadfully behind on posting menus and a few of my newest recipes. Oh well! On Monday we had to get some recall work done on our van so I had some time to sit and work at typing up the menus for the next few weeks, which is really great because the next month looks as if it will be just as busy!