
Friday, January 29, 2016

Menu 2016: February 1-14

I am trying to get back in the routine of posting my menus and sticking to them after a long break from doing it. Last week went well and I am hoping this week will as well. This week has a few "extra" things in it so I may not actually be cooking for some of the meals. I am also trying to use up a lot of stuff from my pantry and freezer while attempting to keep my food budget extremely low for February. How do you stay on track with planning your menus and sticking to your budget for the month?

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Menu 2016: January 25-31

I am finally starting to get back into the swing of things from school to household chores, which means that I am can begin posting menus again. I love being able to post menus as it helps me stay on track with more that just my meals. It helps make my grocery shopping easier because I know what I am making ahead of time. It keeps me with my budget. And it also helps me stay on track with logging my calorie intake, which in turn helps me to maintain my weight (and hopefully lose the excess). In order to stay on track with my menu planning, I will be switching back to one or two week menus vs. a whole month. I find that after not writing up menus for a while I do better at getting back to planning if I start small. How do you stay on track with planning your menus?