
Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Menu 2016: October 3-9

School started again last month so I am back to the grind of lesson plans, homework, and other such craziness. We are trying a few new things this year in hopes that school will go a little smoother than last year.
Then my husband and I went on a tour of the Holy Lands (Jordan and Israel) and were gone from September 17-28. My parents took the middle two girls and one of my sisters took our son and youngest daughter. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves but are glad to be home. I will be attempting a few of the foods that we ate over the next few weeks.
October 3-9
  • Chicken florentine and steamed broccoli
  • National Taco Day and Taco Tuesday collide so chicken tacos and black beans it is!
  • Pretzel dogs, fruit salad, and mixed veggies
  • Spaghetti and meatballs, side salad, and steamed green beans
  • Pizza and a side salad
  • Peppery beef sandwiches, roasted potatoes, and mixed veggies

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