
Thursday, November 8, 2018

Menu 2018: November 4-December 1

Life has been crazy the last several months. At the end of April we determined that it was time for us to move on to a different ministry so my hubby resigned the end of May. By July we still didn't have an answer for question of "where" we were to go so we moved across the state and in with my parents the first week in August. The kids have settled into being in a school vs. homeschooling, and I am working to settle into the routine of being home by myself most days. I am not one to watch the clock so it has been harder than I thought to get used to not having the school day to fill my time. I have picked up some alterations jobs and my hubby has been filling in for other pastors besides his part-time consulting job. We also spent nine wonderful days away with friends on a cruise in the western Caribbean for a combined anniversary/birthday celebration. God has been so good to us amid the challenges we've faced. 💕

I am going to attempt getting back into the swing of posting my menus on the blog instead of only on the Facebook page so wish me luck. 😁

November 4-10
November 11-17
November 18-24
November 25-December 1
  • Chicken pot pie
  • Sloppy Joe casserole
  • Puffy tacos, beans, and rice
  • Carbonara, roasted broccoli and cauliflower, and salad
  • Grilled cheese and tomato soup

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