
Thursday, June 6, 2019

Menu 2019: June 3-30

Whew! We made it to June. It's been a crazy 10 months for our family, but we've finally settled all in the same place. The kids and I moved into our house completely the last week of May and I am thoroughly enjoying having my hubby and kids all under one roof. There is still going to be some adjustment time for everyone - new house, new schedule, new church, and new friends. We got a good deal of our unpacking done on weekends over the last couple of months but there are still boxes to go through and basement space to set up. Most of the remodeling has also been finished. We have a few projects left to finish, but they shouldn't take too long.
We were blessed by our new church family doing a "Pack the Pantry" project for us. It was a completely unexpected, but wonderful, thing. I was able to skip grocery shopping for the whole first week that we were in the house. It also helped get me further along on writing up my menu for June as I already had full cupboards to choose from. :D
June 3-9
  • Lasagna, green beans, side salad, and garlic bread
  • Venison roast, mashed potatoes, and carrots
  • Stew and rolls/biscuits
  • Pizza, chips, and salad
  • Chicken alfredo, mixed veggies, and side salad
June 10-16
  • Venison chops, eggs, and pancakes
  • Pork salsa verde, pinto beans, and brown rice
  • Quesadillas
  • Roast chicken thighs, smashed potatoes, and veggies
  • Chicken wings, cheesy hashbrown casserole, and mixed veggies
  • Happy Father's Day - pulled pork, mac'n'cheese, veggies, and a side salad
June 17-23
  • Taco Salad
  • Lasagna, mixed veggies, side salad, and garlic bread
  • Red beans and rice
  • Potato soup and rolls
  • Sloppy Joes, baked potatoes, and mixed veggies
June 24-30
  • Subs, fruit, and chips
  • Chicken taco soup
  • Spaghetti, veggies, side salad, and garlic bread
  • Tater tot casserole
  • Cheddar dogs, roasted potatoes, and veggies

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