
Monday, December 30, 2019

Goals for 2020

I have been working on this post since the last week in December so I figured that I better get it finished and posted before the year gets away from me completely. Our dear elderly neighbor told me once that life is like a roll of toilet paper, it goes faster the closer it gets to the end. I would have to agree as time seems to fly by faster with each passing year. Every year my husband and I choose a word of the year to help us work on a specific set of goals. These were our previous "Word of the Year" choices: Focus (2019), Change (2018), Healthy (2017), Simple (2016), Relax (2015), and Better (2014). This year our word is... Drum roll, please........

We've had an interesting last year and a half with lots of upheaval so we've determined that we need to get back on track with some things, like:
  • Budgets and budget meetings
  • Menu planning (and subsequently healthy eating)
  • Regular exercise
  • Losing a combined 100 lbs as a family (30-40 between the four kids and 30-35 for each (my hubby and I)
  • Developing and keeping a schedule
  • Making time for each other and our family
  • Read 6 books
  • Read my Bible all the way through

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