
Thursday, July 30, 2020

Menu 2020: July 19-August 22

I wish that I could say we are getting closer to being back to life as "usual". It is nice to be able to take the kids out and about to different places. We have always been a family of "people people" so not being able to have much interaction with people was really hard on us, but especially on our kids. 💗 

I'm starting to get back to a normal work schedule between my secretarial job and my alterations business. The kids are working summer jobs doing yard work, picking berries, cleaning for people, etc. My hubby found a pellet smoker for a great price back at the end of May and we've had lots of fun coming up with things to cook in it. Here's what we're making... 
July 19-25
  • Lobster rolls, chips, and a veggie tray
  • Pizza and chips
  • Eggs, bacon, and toast
  • Burgers, veggie tray, fruit salad, and fries 
  • Brats, smoked mac'n'cheese, and steamed veggies 
July 26-August 1
  • Subs and popcorn
  • Spaghetti, steamed veggies, salad, and French bread 
  • Smoked pork chops, mixed veggies, and quinoa rice medley
  • Chicken taco dip, corn on the cob, and watermelon
  • Smoked venison tacos and a corn bean salad
August 2-8
  • Pulled pork and mac'n'cheese
  • Tater Tot Casserole
  • Taco salad
  • Carbonara and a side salad
  • Smoked ribs, mashed potatoes, and veggies
August 9-15
  • Breakfast for dinner - venison chops, fried eggs, and hashbrowns
  • Camp - the kitchen is closed 💕
  • Pizza and a side salad
  • Chicken pot pie
August 16-22
  • Subs, fresh fruit, and chips
  • #3's Birthday meal: Stuffed peppers with chips and salsa (breakfast of cinnamon rolls, scrambled eggs, and bacon)
  • Lasagna roll-ups, steamed veggies, and a side salad
  • Bacon cheeseburgers, chips, and a veggie tray
  • Salmon filets (gotta love a Piggly Wiggly sale), wild rice medley, and a side salad

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