
Monday, July 19, 2021

Menu 2021: July 11-31

I took a couple of months off of menu planning as we've had a ton of summer stuff going on including a two week vacation. We spent a week in Wisconsin Dells with my sister's family where we rented a house at one of the resorts. Then we went to my parents' for a few days. Finally, we spent a couple of days camping up in Door County. I am trying to get back into routine with planning meals before the craziness of preseason practices and school begin again.

Without any further adieu, here is the menu through the end of July...

Saturday, May 8, 2021

Menu 2021: May 2-29

This year seems to have flown by in so many ways. But then I think anything could feel like it is flying by in comparison to how slowly last year seemed to go. 

Tomorrow is Mother's Day (I know, the menu is late again). We have a week and a half left of school for the year and summer activities are looming ever closer. 

When your kids are little and days seem to last forever, people tell you to savor them because they are fleeting. You think to yourself that they're crazy and just don't remember that a day with toddlers and preschoolers is 72 hours long. But then you become the parent of your first teenager and the years seem to last a month and the days five minutes. (Yes, with my second child becoming a teenager next week I am a bit nostalgic and sentimental.) I say all this to remind you to live where you are. Don't long for the past and don't wish for the future, or you'll miss what you have right now in the present.

Before I get much more emotional, here is May's menu...

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Menu 2021: April 4-May 1

The last year has been challenging for pretty much everyone. Last year we spent Easter apart - the kids and I home on the couch watching services and my hubby teaching adult Sunday school livestream with no one in the pews. I was such a blessing this year to be in-person for services rejoicing with my church family that Christ has conquered death and is alive forevermore. It made for an emotional day. We did our usual tradition of hiding gifts for the kids and picking up a Hughes dark chocolate Easter basket. It was a good day, but now for April's menu...

April 4-10

  • Happy Easter / Resurrection Sunday! Deli wraps, veggie tray, fruit salad, and chips
  • Smoked beef sirloin tip roast, Brussels sprouts, roasted baby reds, steamed asparagus, a veggie tray, dinner rolls, and individual cheesecakes with fresh blueberries
  • Leftovers :)
  • Philly cheesesteak pizza and veggies
  • Garlic chicken and pasta with veggies
  • A friend and I have birthdays a week and a half apart so we're going out while my hubby and kiddos hold down the fort. 

April 11-17

  • Pulled pork and slaw
  • Grilled Mahi Mahi with brown rice quinoa medley and steamed asparagus
  • Southwest chicken salad
  • Chicken and rice casserole 
  • Pork Roulade, creamy polenta, roasted asparagus, and a side salad (we had friends over and the husband is a chef so he cooked πŸ₯³)
  • Leftovers

April 18-24

  • Beef tenderloin (we got a great deal at New Year's and I've been saving them in the freezer), roasted baby reds, and whole green beans
  • Chick-fil-A 😁
  • Baked cod, quinoa and rice, and wsteamed green beans 
  • Bacon cheese burgers, roasted potatoes, and mixed veggies
  • Pizza

April 25-May 1

  • Chicken taco soup
  • Lo Mein (pork or chicken)
  • Brats, waffle fries, and mixed veggies
  • Chili
  • Spaghetti, mixed veggies, and side salad

Monday, March 1, 2021

Menu 2021: February 28-March 27

Spring is almost here and that makes me excited! The worst of winter is (most likely) over in the Midwest and we are starting to have more days where the temperature is above freezing. Basketball season is over for my kids and we only have 2 1/2 months left of school. Wedding season is just starting and I am working on a couple of dresses for a wedding this month along with helping my girls make their first formals for a school event. I am thankful for the time my mom invested in teaching me how to sew as well as the opportunities that I had to learn from some great employers over the years. I am looking forward to seeing how my girls do. :)

Here is the menu for March:

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Menu 2021: January

Oh, what a crazy year 2020 was! There were good parts and bad parts as with any other year, but there were also parts full of fear that required faith in an Omnipotent, Omniscient God who had everything under control. I am so thankful that I know Who holds tomorrow and that He also holds my hand. With all that in mind, we enter 2021 with anticipation for what God can do through us and hope that you can do the same. We have lots of goals for 2021 but that will have to wait for another post. So without any further adieu, here is the menu.

January 1-9

  • Chicken tenders with Chick-fil-A sauce (you can buy it by the 8 oz bottle now 😱), cheesy hashbrown casserole, and a side salad
  • Venison chops, eggs, and toast
  • Chicken and rice soup with fresh bread
  • Taco Salad
  • Pizza and a side salad
  • Spaghetti squash carbonara
  • Sloppy Joes, mac'n'cheese, and veggies
  • Roasted Rabbit with herbs, steamed broccoli, and risotto
  • Happy Birthday to my DS! BBQ ribs, Brussels sprouts, and smashed red potatoes

January 10-16

January 17-23

  • Roast beef sandwiches, roasted vegetables, and side salad
  • Brisket, fingerling potatoes, veggies
  • Concessions 😊
  • Smoked chicken thighs, veggies, quinoa and rice medley
  • Staff RetreatπŸ’“

January 24-31

  • Beef tenderloin, smashed potatoes, steamed broccoli
  • Concessions 😊
  • Jambalaya
  • Chicken Ramen
  • Thai green curry
  • Meatloaf, mac'n'cheese, and mixed veggies
  • Pulled pork buns, roasted vegetables, and side salad