
Sunday, October 31, 2010

31 Days of Praise: October 31

I have been thinking this week about how truly blessed we are as a family. We have three beautiful, healthy children, a roof over our heads, running cars in the garage and driveway, clothes on our backs, shoes on our feet, food on our table, and money in our bank account. We have more "stuff" than we could ever need! Today I praise God for His overall blessing on our family even though we do not deserve it.

I am reminded of a song that my grandpa used to sing to us - "Thank You Lord, For your Blessings on Me"
(written by The Easter Brothers).

Verse I
As the world looks upon me, as I struggle along
They say I have nothing, but they are so wrong
In my heart I’m rejoicing, how I wish they could see
Thank you Lord, for your blessings on me

There’s a roof up above me
I’ve a good place to sleep
There’s food on my table
And shoes on my feet
You gave me your love Lord
And a fine family
Thank you Lord, for your blessings on me

Verse II
Now I know I’m not wealthy, and these clothes , they’re not new
I don’t have much money, but Lord I have you
And to me that’s all that matters, though the world cannot see
Thank you Lord, for your blessings on me

Repeat Chorus, then:
Thank you Lord, for your blessings on me

1 comment:

  1. I was just singing this last week thinking about grandpa...I can still hear his raspy voice singing this as a special. Couldn't remember the verses, so thanks for posting them. ~DD
