
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Hangers with a New Use

Ever since I can remember I've had a "weird sense of creativity". As a 9 or 10 year old I remember drawing plans to build a small airplane out of an old tricycle. I've used old oat canisters for instruments, milk jugs for piggy banks and other such "nonsense". So when my paper towel holder broke and I really didn't want to buy a new one that sense of creativity kicked into gear. The idea came to me while I was putting clothes away, "Why couldn't I use one of those dry cleaner's hangers?" You know the ones I'm talking about, the ones with the metal upper attached to a cardboard bottom. So I measured the length of the paper towel roll and then cut the cardboard an inch or so longer. I then bent the hanger accordingly to fit the new length. See...

This way, you can just slip the paper towel roll onto the cardboard and then tuck the metal piece of the hanger back on like this...

I had Jared screw a small hook into the side of my cupboards so the I had some place to hang my new paper towel holder. :o)

My next "new use for a hanger" came to me while doing laundry today. I had washed all the swimwear but needed some place to "line dry" the girls' swim suits even though it was raining outside. I usually just hang them over the shower curtain rod but sometime they slip off. While I was contemplating this predicament, Miss A. brought me one of those "clippy" hangers that keep bloomers, pants, etc. with their matching sets at the store. The light bulb flashed on and I grabbed two of these such hangers and clipped them on the bottom of one side. I then clipped the wet swimsuits onto the hangers and hung the hangers onto the shower curtain rod, like this...

I figure these will be good to use for drying some of my "unmentionables" as well. :o)

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