
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Cleaning the Bathroom, Pinterest Style

I am going to admit something to you. I HATE cleaning, and the two things I hate to do most are washing the dishes (we'll save the reason for some other post) and cleaning the bathroom. I just plain do not like cleaning the bathroom, it's dirty, smelly, and takes a good chunk of time to get really clean. BUT, thanks to Pinterest, I have found a better way to clean my bathroom. In fact, it's so easy (and almost chemical-free) that Mr. R., who's only 5 1/2, can do about half of it. This literally takes 15 minutes if you clean the shower and wash the floor, even less if you're just cleaning the sink, countertops, and toilet area.

While perusing pins from some of my favorite "Pinners", I happened upon a pin to this blog post "How to Clean Your Bathroom Like a Pro" from One Good Thing by Jillee. I made a Word document out of the instructions then printed and laminated it so I could use it as a reference until I had it down pat. Here is a copy of the printable for your benefit. Note: I have made a couple of adjustments to what Jillee posted and these changes are reflected in the printable.

The two keys to this routine are an all-purpose disinfectant (I use the white vinegar/water mixture in a 32oz spray bottle like Jillee does), and microfiber cleaning clothes (I picked some up on clearance at the grocery store on double coupon day a few weeks back). I [try to] do most of this routine a couple of times a week to keep my bathroom in ship shape condition.

Here are a few pictures of how clean my bathroom sink, mirror, and countertop are after this routine. I forgot to take pictures of the toilet but who really wants to see that.

Mr. R. was quite proud of himself for cleaning the countertop and sink area.
The vinegar/water mixture and microfiber cloth combo even gets rid of the buildup
down by the drain without much effort. 
So shiny that you can even see reflections in it!
See what I mean? Reflections!
Also, I found another Pin about getting rid of that boys' bathroom smell, which I am going to try soon. Let me know if you try it and what you think.

1 comment:

  1. I have used vinegar/water in spray bottles for years and on the floors. I have one with a diaper or micro fiber cloth in all bathrooms and kithchen. I use it for almost all my cleaning. One thing I learned with bathroom cleaning is to do a swish and swipe everyday/morning. It should only take a minute or two. Then a quick swipe with the toilet brush inside. You can use old shampoo,vinegar or even just swipe. It will never be dreaded again :)
    You spray with the vinegar/water the seats and outside and wipe. You will always have a clean toilet and also a quick spray and wipe of the sink/counter.
    A squeeze to use when you are done showing also keeps the shower/bath clean.
    Vinegar is a great disinfectant. It is as good as lysol,etc.,in fact better as it isn't a mess of nasty toxins/chemicals.
