
Saturday, January 5, 2013

Goals for 2013

I am not a fan of "New Year's resolutions" per se, but I do believe in setting goals. I figure if I post these goals I will have to give an update on how I'm doing at accomplishing them. :o)

Financial Goals -
  • Pay off our remaining non-mortgage debt.
  • Learn how to manage a budget and actually live by it.
Fitness Goals - 
  • Get back into a regular workout routine.
  • Lose the remaining 45 pounds and reach my goal weight.
Personal Growth and Development Goals -
  • Read my Bible through in a year.
  • Read at least 6 other nonfiction books.
  • Develop a weekly/monthly cleaning routine.
  • Declutter, simplify, and organize my home.
  • Start a regular filing system for family paperwork.
Your turn: What are some of your goals for this year?

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