
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2013 Goals Recap

Last year I made an attempt at setting goals instead of making resolutions. You can see my post about goals for 2013 here. I am taking a look back at the year to see how close I came to my goals.

Financial Goals -
  • Pay off our remaining non-mortgage debt. We were able to accomplish this goal on February 13th. In April we got the opportunity to be on the Dave Ramsey radio show and do our "Debt-free Scream" live with Mr. R and Miss E. 
  • Learn how to manage a budget and actually live by it. We're getting better at this but we still have room for improvement. 
Fitness Goals - I will say that I didn't reach any of these goals.
  • Get back into a regular workout routine. The move and adjustment to a new schedule made it difficult to get back into a regular workout routine. 
  • Lose the remaining 45 pounds and reach my goal weight. Regulating my thyroid made maintaining, much less losing, weight a challenge last year. 
Now, I am not making excuses for not meeting these goals (as you'll see in my goals for 2014) I fully intend to work at these this year.

Personal Growth and Development Goals -
  • Read my Bible through in a year. Although I didn't meet this goal, I did make it halfway through, which is further than I would have gotten if I hadn't set the goal. 
  • Read at least 6 other nonfiction books. I was able to get through one book last year and I started a couple of others. Seeing my failure at this goal makes me all the more determined to do better this year. 
  • Develop a weekly/monthly cleaning routine. Got nowhere near meeting this goal. 
  • Declutter, simplify, and organize my home. One of the blessings of downsizing ( we went from a 1400 sq. ft. house to an 850 sq. ft. one) is the need to declutter, which I have begun doing. As far as the simplifying and organizing, I still have a long way to go. 
  • Start a regular filing system for family paperwork. We finally purchased a filing cabinet and I have begun working at developing a filing system for our family. 

Your turn: How close did you get to accomplishing your goals for 2013?

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