
Friday, May 2, 2014

[No sugar added] Tropical Yorbet

The other day I was cleaning the kitchen and came to the realization that my pineapple and two
mangoes were getting dangerously close to overripe. I didn't want a smoothie because I prefer my smoothies with banana in them and I was out of bananas. A fruit salad wasn't sounding terribly appealing to me either. I decided to grab my blender and ice cream machine from the cupboard and play. I tossed in the mangoes, half the pineapple (I let the kids munch on the rest), a cup or so of coconut milk, and 16 oz. of plain Greek yogurt (although vanilla would go nicely as well).

The kids had to taste test and everyone agreed that it was yummy and we should throw it in the ice cream machine. So we did.

I had about 8 cups so I had to do two batches in my 1.5 qt ice cream machine but that was ok by me. It turned out deliciously and everyone including my nephew proclaimed that I had "done a good job" and it was "yummy". Mr. R asked what it was exactly and I told him the ingredients. He replied, "It's kind of like frozen yogurt and sherbet all mixed together, so it's a Yorbet, mom." :)

I love how this cool and creamy treat isn't overly sweet nor overly tart, and I hope you enjoy it, too!
  • 1/2 a medium pineapple, cut into chunks
  • 2 medium mangoes, peeled and cut into chunks
  • about 1 cup vanilla unsweetened coconut milk (I forgot to measure exactly so you may need to just "eyeball" the consistency)
  • 2 cups Greek yogurt, plain or vanilla
Toss everything in a blender or food processor and puree. Next, pour the mixture into your ice cream machine and let it do it's thing for 20 minutes or so. You can surely sit and enjoy it now, or toss it in the freezer in a lidded container. I used my yogurt containers. If you do decide to freeze and save for later, don't forget that you have to take it out an let it thaw a bit (20 minutes or so) before you want to serve it or you'll have to use an ice pick instead of an ice cream scoop.

You could also pour the mix into popsicle molds for "yorbet" pops!

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