
Saturday, May 8, 2021

Menu 2021: May 2-29

This year seems to have flown by in so many ways. But then I think anything could feel like it is flying by in comparison to how slowly last year seemed to go. 

Tomorrow is Mother's Day (I know, the menu is late again). We have a week and a half left of school for the year and summer activities are looming ever closer. 

When your kids are little and days seem to last forever, people tell you to savor them because they are fleeting. You think to yourself that they're crazy and just don't remember that a day with toddlers and preschoolers is 72 hours long. But then you become the parent of your first teenager and the years seem to last a month and the days five minutes. (Yes, with my second child becoming a teenager next week I am a bit nostalgic and sentimental.) I say all this to remind you to live where you are. Don't long for the past and don't wish for the future, or you'll miss what you have right now in the present.

Before I get much more emotional, here is May's menu...