
Monday, July 17, 2023

Menu 2023: July ??

It's been real busy here over the last 9 months with alterations projects, school, work, sports, and church stuff. My hubby finished his master's degree in December (and walked in May). Our oldest got his license in January. The hubby and I went to NYC for a conference in March and a mission trip to Italy in May/June. Our 2nd child started driver's education this month. We will have three high schoolers and one in Jr. high. The hubby took a new position July 1st and is now the administrator at the school our children attend, so this fall is going to be even busier. Life is really picking up speed!

I have had weddings nonstop since February 2022 (normally I have a 3-4 month break during the winter that I didn't get this year), so I am taking a 6 month break from alterations beginning August 1st. I'm hoping this will help me get back on track with menu planning, budgeting, and keeping my house from looking like there appears to have been a struggle. We are also getting the blessing of sharing our home with my sister, brother-in-law, and their children for a bit while they look for a house in the area. <3 With all that in mind here's what we had or are planning...