
Monday, November 29, 2010

Menu: November 29-December 5

We are all feeling better and had a wonderful time with family for Thanksgiving. It was nice to get away but it is good to be home! I have a pick up this week for a grandmother's dress and a wedding gown fitting to do as well, so I will be trying to keep things simple for meals.

  • Baked Chicken, mashed potatoes, and mixed veggies
  • Grilled Chicken Salad - Romaine lettuce, grilled chicken, cheese, carrots, boiled eggs, etc.
  • My MIL is making Chicken Taco Soup on Wednesday. :o) I will also be making up a pan of Zucchini Brownies for our Ladies Christmas Party at Church.
  • Pork Roast, herbed brown rice, and steamed broccoli
  • Breakfast-for-Dinner - Egg Bake, fresh bread, and fresh fruit
  • We may go to a Christmas party on Saturday.
  • Roast Beef Sandwiches, baby reds, and a raw veggie tray
Here is the Master List if you need a few other ideas for dinner this week.

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