
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Menu: April 2-8 (Easter/Resurrection Sunday)

Sorry that it has taken sooooo long to get the menu up. My computer is having issues, and wedding season and spring cleaning have begun. I also started my tomato and pepper seeds but that's another post for me to write.
  • Kraft Fresh Take Baked Chicken (the southwest one), sauteed green beans, and roasted red potatoes (Monday)
  • Tuscan Chicken Stew (I did substitute one red pepper for the tomatoes as Jared and Mr. R don't really like them, I also added 1/2 cup chicken broth and topped the dish with 1/2 cup of Italian blend cheese) and homemade garlic bread. (Tuesday)
  • Ham (I am working on a new recipe but the linked recipe is a favorite), roasted red potatoes, mixed veggies, and rolls
  • Grilled Chicken Salad (chicken, boiled eggs, cheese, croutons, ham, carrots, broccoli, etc. over romaine lettuce)
  • Christ, the Lord, is risen today!! Our "Easter" dinner:

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