
Monday, January 19, 2015

Goals for 2015

I haven't done New Year's Resolutions in a long time. Instead, both the hubby and I make a lists with the goals that we plan to work toward throughout the year. You can see last year's goals here. I did fairly well with my goals last year and am hoping to make progress toward this year's as well. So here goes (better late than never), these are my goals for the year. Oh, and please check up on me from time to time to see how I'm progressing. 

  • Read the Bible through
  • Complete a study of Philippians
  • Memorize these sections of Scripture
    • Psalm 1
    • Psalm 103
    • Philippians 4
  • Lose another 20-30 pounds
  • Run a 5K in less than 30 minutes and survive a 10k
  • Hit my step goal every day
  • Work out 30-45 minutes 4x's a week (2 cardio and 2 toning)
  • Get back into the swing of things with budgeting
  • Pay off the car and start saving to replace the van
  • Have a month's worth of income in savings
  • Put $$ toward retirement each month
  • Sell our house (I know this isn't necessarily up to us, but it would be nice)
Personal Enrichment:
  • Read 6 books
  • Learn how to quilt
  • Get the menu posted on time each month
  • Get new recipes posted within a week of making them
  • Develop a better filing system and stick with it throughout the year (yes, I am really not excited about trying to find all the necessary paperwork to get our taxes done)
  • "Remodel" and organize the basement (we have a completely open basement and I'd like to organize it into sections that would better suite our needs - a sewing area, an office and school room area, 
  • Have the kitchen cleaned before bed 5 nights a week (I am doing pretty good at this one already. Doesn't that look so much nicer without all those dirty dishes. :)

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