
Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Menu 2018: December 31-January 27

Happy New Year!! I don't know if this is true for you, but 2017 just flew by for us. We had an enjoyable time with family of Christmas and I really didn't do much cooking, which was nice. :)
But, alas, Christmas break is fast approaching an end and I still have so much to do before we get back to the grind of school. Sigh. Oh, well. I must trudge on, so here are the weekly menus for the next few weeks.

December 31-January 6
  • Tater Tot Casserole
  • Ham and egg breakfast sandwiches, and fresh fruit
  • Mac'n'Cheese
  • Tacos, black beans, and rice
  • Caprese chicken, penne, and broccoli
January 7-13
  • Chicken taco soup
  • BBQ Ribs, steak fries, and steamed broccoli
  • Chicken Pot Pie
  • Subs
  • Meatloaf  cupcakes with brussels sprouts
January 14-20
January 21-27

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