
Monday, November 13, 2017

Menu 2017: November 5-December 2

How is Thanksgiving already upon us?!? This year is flying by and I often feel like I just can't keep up. The last week in October was a crazy one, which is why I am really late on getting this posted. All in one week my hubby was out of town 3 days for work, my computer died, and our van broke down. BUT I did get a wonderful time away with my hubby for his birthday and our anniversary. My aunt came down and stayed with the kids for a couple of days and it was fantastic! When we got back my hubby got the van up and running again (starter + battery), and got a new computer ordered for me. I could get away without one for longer if I didn't have to have it for homeschooling and work. Anyway, here is what I've got planned for for suppers over the next month.
November 5-11
November 12-18
  • Apple pork tenderloin, baked potatoes, and steamed broccoli with chocolate brownie cheesecake (Hubby's birthday)
  • Chicken noodle soup
  • Ham and cheese breakfast casserole 
  • Jambalaya
  • Spaghetti and meatballs, green beans, and side salad 
  • Pizza
November 19-25
  • Red beans and rice
  • Sub sandwiches, fresh fruit, and chips
  • Potato Soup
  • BBQ pork tenderloin sliders, calico beans, and mixed vegetables
  • Happy Thanksgiving: Turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, stuffing, steamed veggies, and dinner rolls
  • Pretzel dogs, mac-n-cheese, and mixed vegetables
November 26-December 2
  • Creamy turkey and wild rice soup and dinner rolls
  • Tacos
  • Brats and kraut, roasted potatoes, carrots, whole green beans, onions, and peppers
  • Grilled ham and cheese with tomato soup
  • Pizza

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