
Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Menu 2018: January 28-February 24

How is January almost over?! We are working at getting back in the swing of school, which is easier for some kids than others. We have had lots of cold days without much snow so the kids are praying for more snow, which I don't mind. I'd rather have snow than below zero temperatures any day!
I am attempting to do a better job at getting menus for the month done on time as it helps me stay on track both with my calorie intake and my food budget. Here is what I've got for February.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Mexican Chicken Soup

We love Tex-Mex food at our house, which I'm sure you already knew based on the number of times Tex-Mex ends up on the menu. When the kids were really little there was a Mexican restaurant over by my parents that we would sneak away to on dates. It had this delicious Mexican chicken soup that they would serve topped with avocado slices, sour cream, and cheese with chips on the side. It was a favorite of mine and I finally got it mastered using my 8 qt. Instant Pot. It has tons of flavor and is fairly simple with the help of the Instant Pot.

Menu 2018: December 31-January 27

Happy New Year!! I don't know if this is true for you, but 2017 just flew by for us. We had an enjoyable time with family of Christmas and I really didn't do much cooking, which was nice. :)
But, alas, Christmas break is fast approaching an end and I still have so much to do before we get back to the grind of school. Sigh. Oh, well. I must trudge on, so here are the weekly menus for the next few weeks.