
Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Menu 2018: December 2-29

We had a very enjoyable Thanksgiving break spending time with both sides of the family at different points in the week. 💓 We didn't do a lot Black Friday shopping, which was fine because we don't really have the space (or budget) for extra things right now. I was able to get a lot of my Christmas shopping done though. We are traveling a lot throughout the holidays as my hubby is preaching out 3 of the 5 Sundays in December.
December 2-8
  • Venison roast, green beans, mashed potatoes, and cloverleaf rolls
  • Chicken enchiladas, rice, and side salad
  • Venison stew and biscuits
  • Orange chicken and fried rice
  • Spicy BLT wraps, smashed potatoes, mozzarella bites, roasted brussells sprouts, and homemade brownies (the kids are cooking)
December 9-15
  • Chili and corn muffins
  • Chicken noodle soup and crescent rolls
  • Roast, smashed potatoes, and veggies
  • Spaghetti and meatballs, veggies, French bread, and salad
  • Pinchos and arroz con gandules
December 16-22
  • Seafood alfredo, steamed broccoli, side salad, and garlic bread (Happy Birthday, Mom!)
  • Meatloaf, potatoes, veggie, and salad
  • Tacos, beans, and rice
  • Pizza
  • White chicken chili and sourdough bread
December 23-29
  • Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, vegetables, and desserts - Merry Christmas, everyone! 
  • Creamy wild rice soup and homemade bread
  • Turkey stuffing bake

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