
Monday, December 30, 2019

Menu 2020: January 1-31

I think that am finally settling in to being "back at work" outside the home. Our schedule is still more hectic than I would prefer but at least we're getting used to it.
Since our family word of the year is "Reset," I am going to attempt to do a better job at organizing a monthly menu in 2020. Writing and sticking to a menu plan helps me to stay on track with both calorie intake and budget, which both my bank account and clothing tell me are needed. :D Here is what I have for January.
December 29-January 4
  • Peppery Venison Sandwiches, baked potatoes, and steamed broccoli
  • Carbonara, mixed vegetables, and garlic bread
  • Hot ham and cheese sandwiches, veggies, and chips 
  • Happy New Year! (gifted) Surf and Turf, cheddar bay biscuits, and roasted vegetables (jell-o for dessert)
  • Venison chops, eggs, and toast
  • Black bean soup and cornbread
  • Pretzel dogs and vegetables 
January 5-11
January 12-18
  • Chicken fried rice
  • Chili and cornbread
  • BBall Concessions 
  • Chicken legs in creamy mushroom sauce over wild rice with mixed veggies
  • TH - Staff Retreat
  • F - Staff Retreat
  • S - Staff Retreat
January 19-25
  • Chicken enchiladas and black beans
  • Pulled Pork, mac'n'cheese, and mixed vegetables
  • Venison chops, eggs, toast and fruit
  • Southwest chicken salad
  • BBall Concessions
  • Laotian cabbage soup and rolls
  • Brats, roasted potatoes, and veggies
January 26-February 1

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