
Monday, September 27, 2010

Menu: September 27-October 3

After not posting a menu last week and doing lots of leftovers and spur-of-the-moment meals, here is the beginning of this week's menu. I will add meal to it as I get time and motivation to do so. Yes, motivation is really the key for me...
Here are a few things we had last week in case you'd like some inspiration:
  • Chicken Pot Pie - I've learned that less is more where pot pie is concerned. You really don't need to doll this up a lot, it's good just the standard way.
  • Chicken Cordon Bleu, roasted red potatoes (salt, pepper, olive oil, water, garlic, and herbs in a covered pan for 1 hour @ 400 degrees), and a side salad.
  • Tacos
  • Grilled Cheese Sandwiches and fruit salad

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