
Friday, December 31, 2010

Menu: December 27-January 2

I have been busy enjoying some "stacation" with the hubby and kids! We actually haven't been eating many dinner meals this week. The hubby makes awesome breakfasts so they've been a big focus for us.
  • Monday was my dad's 55th birthday so we spent the day with family eating leftovers for lunch and then went out for dinner.
  • Tuesday we had steak and egg fajitas for breakfast (from the leftover fajita fixin's, scrambled eggs, salsa, sour cream, and a little cheese). Then the hubby made some amazing grilled chicken breast, roasted red potatoes, and corn.
  • Wednesday we went out with some friends after I got off work. I had a tropical mahi-mahi dish with mango salsa, black beans and rice, and sauted veggies. :o)
  • Thursday we had steak, eggs, and hashbrowns for brunch then munched on fruit, veggies, and other healthy snacks the rest of the day. The kids had the leftover chicken and potatoes from Tuesday for supper.
  • Friday (New Year's Eve) I made Sweet Potato Muffins for Sunday's breakfast and then let the kids have a couple for breakfast with their scrambled eggs. The hubby and I had leftover steak, a couple of eggs over-easy, and some whole wheat toast. Yummy! Tonight is our church's College/Career class' New Year's Eve party. Everyone is to bring an appetizer, finger food, or soda. I will be bringing some fresh veggies and dip, and my cocktail wieners and pretzel sticks.
  • Saturday we'll spend the afternoon/evening at my MIL and FIL's watching the Badgers dominate in the Rose Bowl (at least we hope they will). For dinner we'll be grilling up some burgers and such.
  • Sunday we're having crockpot Chicken 'n' Rice with mixed veggies.
Here is the Master List if you need a few other ideas for dinner this week.

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