
Saturday, January 22, 2011

Menu: January 24-February 13

I am planning 3 weeks of meals just to see how it goes. I'm contemplating making up menus in 2-4 week increments so that I am better prepared for grocery shopping, etc.

Week 1: January 24-30
  • Chicken Noodle Soup
  • Spaghetti, side salad, and French bread
  • Man Pleasin' Jambalaya - This is one of my husband's favorite meals and I love it because it doesn't create a bunch of dishes for me to wash:)
  • Chicken Enchiladas Chicken fajitas and fruit salad instead
  • Roast chicken, mashed potatoes, steamed broccoli, and biscuits
Week 2: January 31-February 6
Week 3: February 7-13
  • Chicken Quesadillas and Mexican Rice
  • Roast pork loin, sweet potatoes, and veggies
  • Pork loin and veggie stir fry over rice
  • Beef Tenderloin, roasted reds, and california medley veggies 
  • Sub Sandwiches (homemade French bread is great for subs)
If you would like some more inspiration, check out the master list (I know it's still not completely finished).

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