
Friday, May 20, 2011

Menu: May 23-29

As each week passes we get closer to the arrival of Miss S. I will hit 35 weeks during this menu plan and I am definitely feeling it lately! Mr. R asks me almost weekly when Baby S is going to "get here." The munchkins are all very excited for her to arrive.

I already have people asking when I'm due because they think I look further along than I really am - one of the "joys" of carrying only out front and having 9lb babies. Can you tell that I'm starting to get a little frustrated. I have always gone past my due date and had to be induced (yes, with all 3 of them), so I really should be used to this by now. Unfortunately, I am still a bit sensitive about this. I thought I was doing better until a cashier at the local grocery store asked how many weeks I had left. After my reply, she said, "You're quite large for still having that many weeks to go." Thanks for the reminder!

Anyway, I better get back on track with the menu or this post will end up being solely about the frustrations of the 3rd trimester. I have been really tired lately so I am sticking with simple.
  • Garlic Lemon Parsley Tilapia (boil-in-a-bag product), roasted baby red potatoes (or even in the crockpot), sauted veggies and cheesy garlic biscuitsFestival had the Wholey Seafood Boil-in-a-Bag entrĂ©es on sale 3/$9 (5/15-5/21), you have to buy 3 to get the deal but you get 2 fillets per package which I believe is a good price for fish. Also, there are several printable coupons for this product on Wholey Seafood's website including one for $10/3 (a $1 money-maker).
  • Chicken Enchiladas with Creamy Green Chile Sauce and fresh fruit - I'm making a double batch and freezing one to have on hand for dinner after Baby S. arrives. I generally pick up some 9x13 foil pans when they are on sale for the purpose of freezing dishes like this.
  • Grilled Chicken Salad - lettuce, grilled chicken, boiled eggs, cheese, turkey bacon, fat free/light dressing, etc.
  • Sub Sandwiches - homemade French bread, deli meat, cheese, lettuce and turkey bacon.
  • Still thinking about this, probably something grilled...

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