
Sunday, April 5, 2020

Menu 2020: March 29-May 2

March was an interesting month to say the least! I am hopeful that April will be less crazy, or it will at least stay consistently warm enough to be outside more often than it was in March. This "Safer at Home" order is causing a bit of the (stir)crazies at our house. I am thankful that we have more square footage during this time than we did a couple of years ago or things would be much less manageable. :) How has the "quarantine" affected your family?

I didn't follow my menu plan very well after we returned from our mission trip with the kids as things were just starting to get crazy, so I will be using some of last month's ideas this month.
March 29-April 4
April 5-11
  • Spaghetti, vegetables, and a side salad
  • Chicken fried rice
  • Jerusalem bagels with a charcuterie board (Charcuterie is the arranging and preparing of cured meats, cheeses and finger foods on a platter or board. Another way of calling a charcuterie board would be a meat and cheese board)
  • Dahi chicken with lentils and rice
  • Fry bread tacos
April 12-18
April 19-25
April 26-May 2
  • Pork salsa verde, pinto beans and rice
  • Easy fajita chicken bake, black beans, brown rice
  • Minestrone and French bread 
  • Pasta Puttanesca (from a Series of Unfortunate Events), side salad, and French Bread
  • Sloppy Joe stuffed potato buns, roasted root vegetables, and side salad

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