
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

21 Days to a More Disciplined Life: Day 6

I am reading 21 Days to a More Disciplined Life as part of my goals for 2014 and I'm sharing insights from each day's readings. If you want to catch up on my progress, read previous days: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5.

Day 6:
Be realistic is the reminder that Crystal gives in this chapter. I run into this problem a lot. I think that I can get more done than I honestly can, which just frustrates and inevitably derails me. "'s better to set the bar lower and actually meet your goals than to set the bar too high and keep falling flat on your face." She gives some great questions to ask yourself about your goals to help evaluate if they are too big to accomplish. When you're first starting out, you need to have small goals that are achievable so you don't burn out and quit.
Practical Application: 1. Step back and consider whether you're being realistic about your current discipline goals. I determined that where the kitchen is concerned, my goals are right on track, and so are my food tracking goals. 2. Take a look at your larger goals and determine if you need to divide them up into smaller goals. I did this and needed to cut back just a bit on some of my bigger goals. It is just unrealistic to think that I can fit homeschooling, 3 mending projects, cleaning the kitchen completely, and reading more than one or two chapters in a book, all while keeping up with my regular cooking and cleaning duties.

Mega Project Progress: I am so excited about my progress. I have been able to throw away some mending projects that were just beyond repair without regret (if you know me very well, this is usually a problem). I have completed over a dozen simple mending jobs that have been sitting taking up space. I did trim my number down from 3 mending projects a day to 2 mending projects a day. I did this because for two reasons, 1. I just don't have time for 3, and 2. I actually don't have as much mending as I originally thought I did. :) On a side note, my basement sewing area is starting to look so much better, which is great since I'll be picking up two bridesmaid dresses and a wedding gown in about a month.

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