
Sunday, November 3, 2013

Menu 2013: November 4-December 1

It has not slowed down even one little bit since our move back in March! Don't get me wrong, I am having a blast. :) At the moment, I am working on plans for our annual church Christmas banquet and I thoroughly enjoy event planning. I also get to start doing some part-time secretarial work. I am looking forward to Thanksgiving and then Black Friday shopping since I have a bunch of gift cards that I've been saving. What are some traditions/recipes that your family has at Thanksgiving and/or Black Friday? Free Printable Menu available here.

Menu Format for the Month
Spicy (Tex-Mex, Cajun, etc.)
Duo Night ("Sandwich" & Soup or Salad)

Week 1 - November 4-10
Week 2 - November 11-17 (Happy Birthday to my wonderful hubby)
  1. Mexican Gumbo 
  2. Rotisserie Chicken, roasted potatoes, roasted butternut squash, and glazed carrots
  3. Quesadillas and 10 bean soup
  4. Baked spaghetti, brussell sprouts, sauteed green beans, and breadsticks
  5. Asian chicken, stir fry veggies, and rice
Week 3 - November 18-24
  • Texas Caviar Casserole
  • Biscuits and gravy with scrambled eggs
  • White Chicken Chili and cornbread
  • Meatball subs with side salad
  • Sausage mushroom ravioli ( in garlic cream sauce with steamed broccoli and cheesy garlic bread
Week 4 - November 25-December 1 (Happy Thanksgiving)
One final thought, shop responsibly! Don't get in over your head financially, if you don't have the cash for it don't buy it. :)

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