
Monday, January 6, 2014

Menu 2014: January 6-February 2

I wish you all a blessed New Year! We have been busy trying to get caught up on housework and also diving into our goals for this new year. School begins tomorrow so I need to be on top of my game in order to keep up with everything. Both Jared and I have determined to get back in the routine of eating healthy and working out so I will be trying to make meals a little healthier. My menu plan for the month is Comfort food, Sandwiches, Tex-Mex/Spicy, Italian, and Miscellaneous.

January 6-12
January 13-19
January 20-26
January 27-February 2
Sunday Breakfast Ideas - Sunday morning is always crazy so I need to have a breakfast plan
One Sunday we will be all by ourselves (no kids) so we might go out for an early morning breakfast date.

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