Sunday, September 1, 2024

Menu 2024: September

It’s hard to believe that a year has gone by since I last posted. So much has happened in that year. We had family move in with us for a year, another one of our kids has started driving, our youngest became a teenage, and our oldest entered his senior year of high school. 

Now that family is settled in their new house and school routines are beginning, I am going to attempt to post the menu one or two times a month going forward. 🤞🏼So here goes nothing.

September 1-7

1- carne asada burrito bowls 

2 - bbq burnt ends, southwest potato salad, and veggies

3 - jambalaya 

4 - pulled pork mac’n’cheese and mixed veggies 

5 - leftovers

6 & 7 - soccer/volleyball tournaments all day (sack lunches, dinners with the team)

September 8-14

8 - pork salsa verde burrito bowls

9 - Asian lettuce wraps

10 - soccer/volleyball home games…venison chops with eggs and toast

11 - red beans and rice

12 - soccer/volleyball away games…concessions/out with the teams 

13 - 

14 - spring rolls

September 15-21

15 - burgers, chips, and veggie tray

16 - soccer/volleyball home games…leftovers

17 - date night out with friends ☺️

18 - brats and cowboy beans

19 - soccer/volleyball home games…pancakes, eggs, and bacon

20 - 

21 - tater tot casserole 

September 22-28

22 - chili and cornbread

23 - soccer/volleyball away games…concessions/out with the team

24 - soccer/volleyball home games…pizza and side salad

25 - deli wraps and pasta salad

26 - sloppy joes, tater tots, mixed veggies 

27 - steak, polenta, and roasted vegetables (all the kids have a youth activity so it’s just us)

28 - egg roll in a bowl

September 29-30

29 - venison pot roast, mashed potatoes, roasted root vegetables 

30 - tater tot casserole