Monday, September 23, 2024

Menu 2024: October

September has come, and is almost gone. This school year is already flying by but I’ve been told that is normal when you have high schoolers. We are slowly getting into a routine and I’m getting better at shopping and meal prepping after a year “off.” So here goes month two.

September 29-October 5

29 - venison pot roast, mashed potatoes, roasted root vegetables 

30 - tater tot casserole 

1- soccer/volleyball home games…deli wraps and pasta salad

2 - Thai chicken soup

3 - soccer/volleyball away games…concessions/out with the team

4 - Senior Banquet (I may be 😭 since I have my first senior)

5 - spring rolls

October 6-12

6 - kimchi fries (double fried French fries topped with beef bulgogi, kimchi, and spicy mayo sauce)

7 - soccer home game…fajitas

8 - jambalaya  

9 - chili and cornbread

10-12 - volleyball tournament (eating out with the team or bringing food) 

October 13-19

13 -  pork salsa verde burrito bowls

14 - Reagan and family pictures: potato soup and rolls

15 - soccer/volleyball home games…egg roll in a bowl

16 - red beans and rice

17 - instant pot ramen

18 - soccer/volleyball playoff game(s)…pizza

19 - BLT’s and chips

October 20-26

20 - burgers, chips, and veggie tray

21 - tacos

22 - chicken and waffles OR waffles with eggs and sausages

23 - tater tot casserole 

24 - Slow cooker sausage, bean and pasta stew

25 & 26 - State Tournament for Soccer and Volleyball all day (sack lunches, dinners with the team)

October 27-November 2

27 - pulled pork, mac’n’cheese and mixed veggies

28 - quesadillas 

29 - sloppy joes, tater tots, mixed veggies 

30 - chili and cornbread

31 - pancakes, eggs, and bacon

1- pizza and side salad

2 - leftovers 

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Menu 2024: September

It’s hard to believe that a year has gone by since I last posted. So much has happened in that year. We had family move in with us for a year, another one of our kids has started driving, our youngest became a teenage, and our oldest entered his senior year of high school. 

Now that family is settled in their new house and school routines are beginning, I am going to attempt to post the menu one or two times a month going forward. 🤞🏼So here goes nothing.

September 1-7

1- carne asada burrito bowls 

2 - bbq burnt ends, southwest potato salad, and veggies

3 - jambalaya 

4 - pulled pork mac’n’cheese and mixed veggies 

5 - leftovers

6 & 7 - soccer/volleyball tournaments all day (sack lunches, dinners with the team)

September 8-14

8 - pork salsa verde burrito bowls

9 - Asian lettuce wraps

10 - soccer/volleyball home games…venison chops with eggs and toast

11 - red beans and rice

12 - soccer/volleyball away games…concessions/out with the teams 

13 - 

14 - spring rolls

September 15-21

15 - burgers, chips, and veggie tray

16 - soccer/volleyball home games…leftovers

17 - date night out with friends ☺️

18 - brats and cowboy beans

19 - soccer/volleyball home games…pancakes, eggs, and bacon

20 - 

21 - tater tot casserole 

September 22-28

22 - chili and cornbread

23 - soccer/volleyball away games…concessions/out with the team

24 - soccer/volleyball home games…pizza and side salad

25 - deli wraps and pasta salad

26 - sloppy joes, tater tots, mixed veggies 

27 - steak, polenta, and roasted vegetables (all the kids have a youth activity so it’s just us)

28 - egg roll in a bowl

September 29-30

29 - venison pot roast, mashed potatoes, roasted root vegetables 

30 - tater tot casserole 

Monday, July 17, 2023

Menu 2023: July ??

It's been real busy here over the last 9 months with alterations projects, school, work, sports, and church stuff. My hubby finished his master's degree in December (and walked in May). Our oldest got his license in January. The hubby and I went to NYC for a conference in March and a mission trip to Italy in May/June. Our 2nd child started driver's education this month. We will have three high schoolers and one in Jr. high. The hubby took a new position July 1st and is now the administrator at the school our children attend, so this fall is going to be even busier. Life is really picking up speed!

I have had weddings nonstop since February 2022 (normally I have a 3-4 month break during the winter that I didn't get this year), so I am taking a 6 month break from alterations beginning August 1st. I'm hoping this will help me get back on track with menu planning, budgeting, and keeping my house from looking like there appears to have been a struggle. We are also getting the blessing of sharing our home with my sister, brother-in-law, and their children for a bit while they look for a house in the area. <3 With all that in mind here's what we had or are planning...

Sunday, October 2, 2022

Menu 2022: October 2-29

It's been real busy here with alterations projects going out, school, work, and soccer/volleyball games.  Here's what we have planned. I will fill in the "??" as I go.

Friday, September 2, 2022

Menu 2022: September 4-17

Next week is the first full week of school and the kids already have games and tournaments for sports. I am in the thick of wedding season with bridal and suit alterations besides my regular job so I'm am really looking forward to having the long weekend to catch up on stuff at home. 🙌 Here's what we're planning...

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Menu 2022: August 28-September 3

It's been an incredibly busy summer between work, church, and home, which means that I have gotten off track with my weight, spending, and meal planning. We are all getting ready to head back to school (including my husband who has 16 more weeks of classes till he finishes his Master's). I am hoping that the meal planning will aid in saving money and helping me get back to dropping weight. So, here we go...

July 10-16

Sunday - Salsa verde pork, pinto beans, and rice bowls

Monday - Personal pizzas on the Ooni (cheeseburger pizza, all meat pizza, pepperoni pizza, caprese pizza, etc.)

Tuesday - Beef Ramen Ended up having regular and eggplant lasagna and a side salad

Wednesday - Burritos

Thursday - Breakfast for Supper (pancakes, eggs, and bacon)

Friday - Pretzel coated walleye, fries, and mixed vegetables

Saturday - Brats and chips

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Gluten-Free [Dairy-Free] Devil's Food Cake

I have a dear friend (and fellow pastor's wife) who has recently found out that she can't have gluten or dairy. So when my youngest had to make an angel food cake for her English class report and I had 12 egg yolks leftover, I decided to find something gluten and dairy free to use them in. I give you gluten and dairy free devil's food cake.

Dairy Free Dark Chocolate Orange Fudge Drizzle

I love to drizzle fudge sauce over a bundt cake right before serving it and this dairy free version with a hint of orange has been a big hit.


  • 1 cup granulated orange sugar (recipe here)
  • 1/2 cup unsweetened dark cocoa powder
  • 3/4-1 cup extra creamy oat milk (add as you go based on your desired consistency)
  • 1 teaspoon orange extract
  • pinch of salt


  1. Combine everything in a glass 4 cup measuring cup with a mini whisk or fork. Pop in the microwave for 30 second increments, stirring in between each, for 1 1/2-2 minutes. If you want it thinner, add more oat milk and pop in the microwave for another 30 seconds. 
  2. Drizzle over cake, ice cream, fruit, etc. Or simply eat it by the spoonful. :)

Dehydrated [Orange] Zest and Orange Sugar

 I used orange peels but you could really use any citrus fruit peels (lemons, limes, etc.).

1 - Wash, dry, and peel zest layer off the fruit with a potato peeler.

2 - Layer zest peels on dehydrator trays with screens.

3 - Set dehydrator to 145 degrees F and leave for 4-6 hours.

4 - In a food processor of smoothie blender, grind the peel until it is between the size of sugar granules and poppy seeds. Save the container to make orange sugar (see below).

5 - Pour dehydrated zest into a small jar or container and store in a cool, dry place. (I keep mine in my freezer.)

To make the orange sugar, add sugar to the food processor/blender cup and shake, shake, shake. Empty sugar into a storage container or mason jar. Store in a cool, dry place. Enjoy!

Dairy-Free Chocolate Buttercream

Buttercream and Dark Chocolate Orange Drizzle
Everyone knows that I have a baking addiction. It relieves stress and brings me joy. I have also always struggled with a weight problem that has a negative effect on my health. I haven't done much baking in the last year for that very reason and have worked to develop other ways to relieve stress (walking and running being a couple of them). 

But, my youngest daughter had to make an angel food cake as part of her English class (they had to write and give a report on how to do something and bring in a sample of what they had done), which meant that I had 12 egg yolks that needed to be used up. Naturally, I experimented with making a gluten-free, dairy-free devil's food cake that needed to be frosted. Thus, this recipe was born. I couldn't find a highly rated dairy-free chocolate buttercream so I took a regular buttercream recipe and adjusted it to be dairy free (5-minute chocolate buttercream).