
Monday, July 13, 2009

Week 13 Menu (July 12-18)

Last week, I totally switched the menu around from what it was suppose to be, so I will be using a few of the meals from the menu this week. If you would like to make some of my substitution meals from last week, just take a look at that menu as I posted my changes.
  • Sunday - We had a Scripture Collating Day at church, so we ended up just doing Burger King (I know not very healthy) as they have 99 cent kid's meals on Sundays.
  • Monday - Sausage, mushroom, and cheese calzones (I was originally suppose to make tacos)
  • Tuesday - Quiche and American Fries
  • Wednesday - My mother-in-law has asked us over for dinner:)
  • Thursday - Waffles with Sour Cream and Fruit Syrup
  • Friday - Roast Chicken, mixed veggies, and biscuits (It ended up being just the kiddos and I, so we had grilled ham & cheese sandwiches instead)
  • Saturday - Chicken-n-Dumplings (After dealing with 2 sick kids all day, I wasn't feeling up to making supper so the hubby made dinner - "breakfast burgers")

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