
Sunday, December 19, 2010

Menu: December 20-26

With this week being Christmas, I haven't thought much about what to make during the week. I've really only thought about what I'll be making for Christmas. I'll be filling in the rest of the week as I get a chance, but here are some things that we'll be having...
  • Monday - Chicken Soup and fresh bread
  • Tuesday - Chicken Pot Pie
    A friend and I will be hosting a cookie swap at out Church tonight and I plan to make some Peanut Butter Bon Bons. We will also have a cheese & cracker tray, veggie pizza, veggie tray, cocktail wieners, cranberry punch, etc. 
  • Wednesday - We'll be at my MIL & FIL's house as usual. :o)
  • Thursday - Meatball Subs, fresh veggies, and a side salad
    I will be making some homemade "gingerbread" cottages (made out of graham crackers) with the kids and getting the house ready for Christmas Eve dinner with the hubby's side of the family as it is our turn to host this year.
  • Christmas Eve Dinner - Steaks (hamburgers for the kids), baked sweet potatoes, grilled asparagus, steamed broccoli, glazed baby carrots, dinner rolls or homemade bread, salad, and I am still deciding on a dessert...thinking about a yule log cake or the usual cheesecake.
  • Christmas brunch - Cinnamon Rolls (with raisins instead of nuts), scrambled eggs, turkey bacon, and fresh fruit.
    Christmas lunch - steak fajitas
    Christmas dinner - Baked chicken, mashed potatoes, and mixed veggies.
  • Sunday -  Sweet Potato Muffins for breakfast;
    Lunch - ???

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting your menu ideas. It gets a little boring over here at times.
