
Sunday, January 12, 2014

21 Days to a More Disciplined Life: Day 11

I am reading 21 Days to a More Disciplined Life as part of my goals for 2014 and I'm sharing insights from each day's readings. If you want to catch up on my progress, read previous days: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5, Day 6, Day 7, Day 8, Day 9, Day 10.

Day 11:
Yay! I've made it halfway and I'm still going! I've had some great encouragement (and help) from Jared. Crystal tells you how to find and team up with a cheerleader to benefit both of you. It needs to be someone that you can keep in touch with on a regular basis to hold each other accountable - email, text, call, etc.
Practical Application: Find an accountability partner either locally or online and create a specific plan for how you will hold each other accountable. How will you stay in contact? How often will you check up on each other? How specific will you accountability get? I talked to Jared about holding me accountable, which he is all for doing. He's pretty excited that my goals include decluttering and getting in shape (the first because he is an "anti-pack rat" and the last because then he knows I will do my best to keep food healthy and low-calorie, which benefits him in his goal of getting in shape).

Mega Project Progress: I am now a little over halfway done with my pile of mending, and I am so excited about it. :) If you're having trouble continuing with your project, talk to your accountability partner.

General Progress: Cleaning the kitchen every night is really starting develop into a habit. There are still days that I don't really want to clean it but now I know how good it feels to wake up to a clean kitchen and it motivates me to keep doing it. I am also enjoying seeing the great progress that I've made on my mending pile. My sewing area is starting to look a whole lot better.

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