
Thursday, December 13, 2012

[Crockpot] Rosemary Chicken with White Beans

A friend shared this recipe with me a couple of months ago and I loved it. For your enjoyment, I am finally getting around to posting my take on it. :o)

Chocolate Pumpkin Oat Cookies

I needed a quick "dessert" and came across this recipe for Chocolate Pumpkin Cookies using a cake mix and thought I'd give it a whirl. The original recipe was simply one box chocolate cake mix + 1 can pumpkin puree but I changed it up a bit.
  • 1 box chocolate cake mix
  • 1 (15 oz) can pumpkin puree
  • 1/2 cup coffee
  • 1/2 cup oats
  • 1/2 cup chocolate chips
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  1. Throw everything in a large mixing bowl, stir until thoroughly combined. 
  2. Spoon into baking sheets and bake at 350 degrees for 12-15 minutes. Let cool on cookie sheet for 5 minutes before removing to a cooling rack.

Gluten-Free [Chocolate] Peanut Butter Cookies

I have been looking for some good gluten free recipes as I have a few friends who can't do gluten. When I came across a recipe for GF Peanut Butter Cookies I just had to give them a try. I was a little skeptical of the recipe as I love my gluten (yes, breads, cakes, cookies, etc. are all weaknesses of mine when it comes to food). However, I was completely blown away by how delicious these cookies are. They are quite literally THE BEST peanut butter cookies I have ever tasted or made (and Jared, who is not usually a pb cookie fan, agrees with me).

Gluten Free Banana [Blueberry] Muffins

Our church is hosting Financial Peace University right now and Jared is coordinating it. I volunteered to be in charge of refreshments each week and have been trying a few new recipes. I've done my chocolate chip oatmeal cookies, no-bake cookies, store bought snacks (I know, that's odd for me but it had been a busy week), chocolate pumpkin oat cookies, gluten-free peanut butter cookies (literally the best peanut butter cookies ever), pumpkin spice bread bites, and mini apple pies. This week I decided to do some chocolate chocolate chip cookies (cake mix) and gluten-free banana muffins.
You may be wondering why someone who so thoroughly enjoys breads would be interested in a gluten-free muffin recipe. The simple answer is this, I have a friend who is also taking the FPU class and she can't eat gluten. I decided a couple of weeks ago to start attempting at least one GF recipe a week so that she'd have an option.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Pumpkin Spice Bread Bites with Spiced Cream Cheese Dip

There is something about pumpkins that make them almost completely inseparable from fall, especially as it gets close to Thanksgiving. It's hard for me not to think in "pumpkin" mode when it comes to baking during this time of year. You know what I mean, don't you? The memories that fill your mind as the smell of pumpkin, brown sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, and ginger wafts through your house when baking a pumpkin pie or even pumpkin bread. If you are like me (when it comes to pumpkins and fall), than this recipe is for you. It's a marriage of Monkey Bread and Pumpkin Quick Bread served with a side of Pumpkin Cheesecake.

Menu: December 3-30

Life gets super busy around our house between Thanksgiving and New Years Day. We have all sorts of Christmas get togethers, decorating, baking, and gift making. We also have several house projects to be completed (since Jared usually takes a week off between Christmas and New Years). All of these activities combined have kept me from actually writing out and posting the menu on time, which is why I will be keeping things a little more simple.

December 3-9
  • Comfort Food - Chicken Noodle soup and garlic parmesan bread sticks
  • Soup/Sandwich - Sub sandwiches, veggie tray, and chips with salsa
  • Crockpot - Lemon pepper pork loin, "baked" sweet potatoes, green beans, and dinner rolls
  • Spicy (Tex-Mex, Cajun, etc.) - Louisiana red beans and rice
  • Miscellaneous - Sweet potato waffles or pancakes with homemade mixed berry syrup
  • Italian - Lasagna roll-ups, mixed veggies, side salad, and bread sticks 
Still working on these and will post shortly...
I am finally finished writing this out after an insanely busy week at our house. I spent 5 out of the last 7 days patching, priming, and painting walls, doors, and trim in the kids' rooms and our living/dining room. Glad to be almost done with that task!

December 10-16 - We have Christmas Parties or dinner with friends every night from Friday-Sunday so I only have four meals planned.
  • Spicy - Mexican Gumbo - this is my Qdoba copycat recipe (I'm working at getting it posted and will include a link as soon as I do)
  • Misc. - Fish Sticks, potato wedges, and mixed veggies 
  • Comfort food - Rosemary Chicken with White Beans
  • Soup/Sandwich - Sloppy Joes, fruit salad, and french fries.
December 17-23 - We have 2 more Christmas parties and a homeschool field trip this week so it's another 4 meal menu.
  • Spicy - Tacos with black beans and rice
  • Comfort food - Chili and Cornbread
  • Misc. - Breakfast Grilled Cheese - either the eggs and bacon or the blueberry and cream cheese...
  • Soup/Sandwich - Peppery Beef Sandwiches and several appetizers/desserts - This is for our church's college/career group's Christmas Party. We really enjoy spoiling them with good food as Jared and I can remember how college food can be.
December 24-30 - Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
  • Italian - Spaghetti, mixed veggies, side salad, and bread
  • Misc. - Steak... still deciding on sides
  • Spicy - Quesadillas (at the request of Mr. R)
  • Comfort food - Chicken Not Pie
  • Grilled Chicken Salad - I figure that we will need this after all the high calorie foods during Christmas
Baking List for the Month
Sugar Cookie Mini Apple Pies (for a ladies' Christmas party)
Pumpkin Spice Bread Bites - but trying them as pull apart bread this time
Chocolate Pumpkin Oat Cookies
GF Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Bites
GF Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookies
GF Banana Blueberry Muffins

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Green Bean Casserole with Porcini Mushroom Sauce

It went pretty quick

As my sisters and I were prepping Thanksgiving dinner at my parents, my youngest sister sadly informed us that she had grabbed the wrong cream soup for her green bean casserole, which is her hubby's favorite Thanksgiving dish. My sis' had all the other ingredients but sadly my mom had no cream of mushroom soup on hand. Just then I remembered repinning a recipe for homemade condensed cream soup. I exclaimed, "We can make our own! I just saw a recipe on Pinterest for it so we can at least try." It turned out fabulously and is really quite simple.